Meet the Team

Finding and hiring the best in the business 

Clark Schaffer


Clark S chaffer has been in the business of making movies for over three decades. Through the experience of working on large blockbuster movies to the smallest incidental practical effects, he has learned the art of meeting a deadline and falling within budget. Clark takes a hands-on approach to every project that enters the shop.

Aaron Keck

General Manager

Aaron Keck and Clark Schaffer have known each other for over 39 years and have worked together on a myriad of projects. Aaron spent several years in Hollywood working on iconic film marketing campaigns. He has a talent for detailed computer design and a penchant for  quality.

Gabriel & Emma Schaffer

Social Media Managers

With youth and vigor on their side, these two develop and maintain marketing campaigns that boost the Schaffer Studio brand. Their inclusion onto the team adds that necessary media niche to keep up with the current times. Look for them to develop creative ideas that can help boost your exposure.


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